Kotan Kor Kamuy
What's Kotan?
Jerusalem celestial art activity, fair trade section "Kotan Kor Kamuy AManTo"
The proceeds are used in other Amant projects and donated to support disaster areas and refugees around the world.
Fair trade is generally a compassionate economy that helps people in developed countries develop together by buying products from developing countries at fair prices.
the basis of this activity is the "circulation".
By helping each other with related people, we have created a shape that will not be exhausted by anyone.
"Accumulating virtue in the real economy" for both people and places.
Fair trade is a "great virtue" that can only be achieved because the world is connected.
Despite giving it, I am happy and full of my body. So I can move more. The world continues to expand.
If our way of life can become art
If our way of life can become art…
I’m a dancer and when I dance I experience the feeling of becoming transparent. I connect with the space that exists in the place that I dance and I intuitively transcend the boundaries of my bones and flesh.
The very essence of life is like dancing and I sought to practice my connection to life as I practice dance. With this in mind, I opened AManTo as an art center, cafe, and guesthouse in Jerusalem, Israel in 2017.
I quickly understood that I also could not close my eyes to the Irsaeli-Palestinian conflict. The situation is deeply complex, especially when trying to offer support to both sides. Trying to understand how to do this is difficult and there is some danger inherent in the situation. There are many strong opinions and loud voices in the conversion regarding this issue which can make it even harder to speak up on.
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Products in a Japanese Spirit
From the desire to create a more perfect self we can create change in the world around us even if we, ourselves, are unable to attain perfection. With this goal as a foundation we can persuade others and chip away at problems in the world. Even so, I continued to feel frustrated while in Israel but I also learned from my dance teacher to embrace the wisdom of our ancestors.
Prayer and Practice
We always pray for the best outcomes but we also must accept what happens in reality and do our best to make change. These are two things that should be done in parallel. It is through this wisdom that humanity has managed to coexist despite different values and beliefs. It’s like the beautiful opposition of body and mind in dance. With the utmost effort ordinary life is beautiful. This is basic happiness for its own sake.
From living in Jerusalem I was able to learn a minimalist way of life that was common in the old days. One way of putting all this into practice has been through Kotan Kor Kamuy AManTo.
We continue to inherit art as a way of life. I believe that this is an important set of values that should be recognized in our modern era.